Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Endless Source of Power

We already know that we are surrounded by an Absolute and Infinite Power Source. I am not speaking about the power of the Sun. I am talking about an Infinite Power Source that is created and perpetuated by the very rotation of the Earth. Once we learn to establish a frequency with that Power Source, we can learn to use It. This is just one of the many Great Power Sources that exists around the Earth itself.

Think of the undreamed of Power that is generated as the Earth rotates upon its axis. Think of the Power that moves the clouds and makes them drift over the whole face of the Earth. Not only will we learn to use the energy of the Sun to heat and light our homes, we will also draw from Power Sources yet undreamed of. Science is continually learning new ways to use the power that we already know exists, trying to ecologically stretch it and conserve it, so that there will be enough for all of us to use.

They also recognize that new breakthroughs in science will reveal to us an Endless Source of Greater Power. The Infinite Source of Power that surrounds us has been known for as long as we have written records of human history. The Ancient Vedic Writings speak about this Power. They tell us about a Power which sustains the Earth and keeps the universe in order. When we speak of the Power of God, we are not simply suggesting some mythical heavenly power that is separate from us. We are speaking about that Infinite Power which keeps the universe and all of its stars and planets in PERFECT ORDER.

This Power also exists around and with planet Earth. From our school days, we were all taught that the north and south poles create a magnet – a polarity of two forces that runs through the center of the Earth and keeps it in Perfect Balance as it orbits the Sun. We have also learned from our space programs, that there are radiation belts of power that press in upon the Earth from outer space. One of these invisible bands of power is called the Van Allen Belt. It envelops the Earth with its protective shield, filtering out harmful radiation from the Sun and transforming its rays into Life-Giving warmth, which is so essential to every living thing.

Divine Power moves around us in an endless variety of ways. The movement of the clouds produces another kind of power. Whenever the clouds cover an area, a special kind of invisible activity takes place between the Earth and the cloud formation. Sometimes the clouds will be very high above us. At other times they will form a dense blanket that spreads out very close to the surface of the Earth. When the clouds form this type of low-ceiling above us, we experience a peculiar type of activity in the air around us. These low clouds create a sandwich-like atmosphere between themselves and the Earth. The space between the sandwich is compressed into a smaller area and the atmospheric pressure begins to take on greater density. As an individual becomes more sensitive to the vibrations and power around them, they will also become more sensitive to the change in atmospheric pressure. We must not make the mistake of assuming that the vibrations have changed at all. The vibrations are the same vibrations that would exist between the Earth and clouds, even if the clouds were very high in the sky. It is simply that the SAME VIBRATIONS HAVE BECOME MORE COMPRESSED IN A CONCENTRATED AREA – above and around us. We have all witnessed how a musician can change the tone of a stringed instrument, simply by loosening or tightening the strings. The very same changes take place depending upon whether the clouds are high or low. The atmosphere between the clouds becomes like a tuned instrument. The low clouds simply compress the atmosphere and we become more aware of its pressure upon us.

This excerpt was taken from "Vibrations," Lesson 10 of the Hatha Yoga Series in the Teachings of Way of Sadhana.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finding and Freeing Your Center of Spiritual Energy

We are living in a most interesting period of human history. Old social systems are struggling for their very existence and the changes that are taking place in the religious and scientific fields have never been greater. A new way of life is slowly being accepted as the old ways prove to be more burdensome and useless. But all of these changes cannot bring happiness, if at the same time we do not change our inner-nature. The cruel struggle for selfish gain must give way to compassion and understanding for the troubles and sufferings of others. We have to reform our motives and re-direct our efforts or else our social reforms will also prove futile. Man has to gain a greater understanding of his purpose for existence, before he can even attempt to understand the reason for his neighbor's existence. Our ability to create evil and suffering has long been proven. We now need to discover our ability to create greater and more positive things. There are great things yet to be done. There is an abundance of room in the world for every variety of Positive Thought. But a Spiritual Awakening cannot take place so long as a few feast at the table of self-gratification, while the many look on in hunger and helplessness. Eventually, the Law of Action and Reaction will reach the guilty and demand its retribution.

True Freedom of Expression can come only after we have abandoned our false notions and learned to re-direct our Creative Energies for the good of all Mankind. The world around us is filled with undiscovered miracles, but the greatest miracle of all is Man himself. For in him dwells the seed of Infinite Creation and undreamed of possibilities. The Ancient Greek Philosophers recognized one condition that was necessary to achieve True Spiritual Perfection. This single requirement was handed down to us in the simple phrase: “Man, know thyself.” Jesus expanded the idea in the Sermon on the Mount, when he said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you.”

The Ancient Forest Teachers of India recognized that the Universe was filled with the presence of Parabrahman (Absolute God). They taught that everything is contained in Parabrahman. Everything floats in the Divine Being and everything is impregnated by the Spirit of Divine Being. If this were not true, the Universe would not exist. Everything that exists had its origin in God – and in God, it has its Being.

Every human being is endowed with a Center of Spiritual Energy which needs to be set free, but how few among us have learned to Sing the Divine Song of Creation. These individuals can face all circumstances that seem to conspire against them, even when they have been abandoned by their friends and relatives, for they understand their Oneness with God and the support that can be derived from the Power of Divine Thought. ALL INTUITION and INSPIRATION comes to them. With every moment of Awareness, it is transformed into a Divine Power of resistance which opposes all difficulties in times of trouble. When you rediscover and learn to trust in your own Divine Nature, you will also realize that its power will never abandon you; but instead will guide your footsteps through all conflicts and troubles.

Constantly remind yourself that wherever you go or wherever you may be, you need never feel afraid. Know that you are always safely under the protection of the Divine Creative Force. It is part of your Being and it is an inner-support which is stronger than all of the misery in the world. Learn to cultivate this kind of thinking and it will make you invulnerable against all troubles and suffering. It will also fill you with self-confidence and Peace, which comes from knowing that you are a Child of God.

This excerpt was taken from Lesson 6 of the Master Series in the Teachings of Way of Sadhana, ‘Center of Spiritual Energy'.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

God Endlessly Creating

The use of all language is a form of Karma Yoga. The average person too readily assumes that language is simply a convenient way of communicating our physical needs and desires. Very few individual’s realize the Power of their words and the fact that these words well chosen or not, produce an effect on their immediate environment either for good or for less good. Words are very much like the building blocks of our innermost thoughts and inspirations. If we scatter them carelessly in a meaningless form, they can only produce chaos and obstacles upon our path. But when they are deliberately and Willfully used, they can achieve profound results.

In the early beginnings of all the World’s Religions, the Great Teachers and Prophets recognized the Power of the Word, so much so that they attributed the “Birth of Creation” itself as coming out of “The Word.” We are told in every Mythological Creation Story, that the Universe is the external aspect of the “Thought and Word of God.” Thus, from the deliberate and Willfully expressed Word of God, was born every manner of universal shape and form – every conceivable expression of Divine Creative Perfection. We might even say that the All-Knowing Thought was the FIRST CAUSE in the process of formulating Creation.

The next step came about when Thought was translated into an Action. This Action, which we read about in the early Scriptures as “The Word,” is not only Creation Itself – but it, is something more. IT IS THE VERY ESSENCE OF GOD EXPANDING AND CREATING ITSELF THROUGH ENDLESS CREATIVITY. The Ancient Teachers were right when they proclaimed that the greatest Key to Living could be found through the process of action. Action means DOING, CREATING AND BECOMING. The thought of the furniture-maker becomes a chair; the thought of the artist becomes a picture; the thought of the good neighbor becomes an action of neighborliness. Each one of these actions shows us the way to achieve a Greater Action. The more we gain an awareness of our Divine Purpose, the more we are able to realize that we are indeed Co-Creators with God. We are not only One with the Word of God, but we are also One with God Infinitely Becoming Divine Expression.

BEING and DOING are the greatest gifts bestowed upon us by the Creator. The very NATURE OF BEING compels us to act. We could not stand still, even if we wanted to. Once in a while, it appears as if we are moving very slowly. Like a child in a toyshop, we are fascinated by the endless possibilities that meet the eye. But regardless of the maze of possibilities before us, we cannot stand still. Eventually we have to choose one of the games, and by learning to master it, we awaken a New Awareness within our own being. A New Awareness that gives us the courage to take on the greatest game of them all, called “The Mastery of Life.”

Taken from Lesson 8 of the Karma Yoga Series in The Way of Sadhana.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Meditation: The Oldest Form of Self Analysis

Whenever a person is experiencing trouble, physically or mentally, their first reaction is to try and find help from the outside world. They are seldom Aware, that the most Perfect and Divine Power that they can ever find, ALREADY LIES WITHIN THEM. Every time we practice Meditation, we open ourselves up to the Divine Source of Healing Power. Most people think of Meditation, as though it were something separate from our everyday life. But this is not the case. Concentrated Meditation can and does have a decisive Healing Effect over both the body and the mind. It is a method by which we can readily contact the Greatest Creative Force within us. We all make use of this Divine Force at one time or another – consciously or unconsciously. It is also a method by which we can learn to control the actions of the brain; to literally slow down the actions of thought and analyze it, to discover whether or not its influence upon us is either good or bad.


As you know, there are certain thoughts which we carry about every day, that are deep rooted in our memory and have a great effect and influence upon our lives. These memory impressions have imprinted themselves very firmly in our thoughts. It matters very little whether we have put them there ourselves, or whether they have been impressed upon our minds by involuntary means. They are there nevertheless, controlling and influencing everything that we do – like a monkey on our back. They will not be stilled, unless we CONSCIOUSLY subdue them and take control over the actions of our own brain. In Meditation, we are also able to replace unwanted thought, with Positive Ideas of a Greater Spiritual Value. When we do this, the same thing occurs. These newly planted thoughts also leave their impression upon our thoughts, and we find ourselves acting and responding in a manner of OUR OWN CHOOSING.

Meditation should not be looked upon as some kind of mysterious practice, which is performed only by those who are interested in strange practices of the Occult. The fact of the matter is, that everyone Meditates – Consciously or unconsciously. It is an action which is as natural as breathing, and no one is able to avoid Meditation, even on an involuntary basis. Whenever an individual centers their thoughts upon negative conditions, that too, is a form of Meditation. Those concentrated thoughts become the strongest impression upon the brain. It is as if we have surrounded the surface of the brain with negative impressions so thoroughly and completely, that nothing passing from the brain to the outside can get through, without first being affected by the negative barrier that we have set up. This is one example of involuntary Meditation, which can be quite negative.

There are other forms of involuntary Meditation, which can have the opposite effect. Whenever we allow our mind to be connected to something Beautiful and Restful for any length of time, it too, has an effect upon us and we feel refreshed. A physically exhausted person leaves the turmoil and hubbub of the city and comes in contact with the beauty of nature. They experience an effect which is equal to physical and mental renewal, simply by looking at the trees and landscape about them, and by observing the color and beauty of the flowers and birds. What has happened in a case such as this? Have they actually absorbed something from nature, like some mysterious medicine that is digested into the system? NO! They have taken nothing away from nature. Nature still stands intact, with all of its Beauty and Wonder. What has happened is that for a brief moment, they have lifted their thoughts away from the concentrated attention of the tired body. For a few brief moments, they have been able to flood the mind with the Positive Awareness of Nature’s Perfection and Beauty – and it has Restored and Renewed their Strength.

From Lesson 5 of Hatha Yoga, Way of Sadhana
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finding and Creating Places of Divine Connection

"The Ancient People of the Americas were very extensive travelers. Wherever they went and wherever they stopped in their travels, they built Shrines and Places of Worship. They planted crops and located hidden sources of water. The dwelling area was usually surrounded on all sides, by places that marked the rising and the setting of the Sun and the four phases of the Moon. There were Teaching Areas apart from the living area. There were places for men and places for women to practice the functions of their particular sex. Sometimes Council Chambers were established in a cave or an isolated area, where the most important decisions of the tribe and the individual were arrived at and concluded.

There was always an area used to send Blessings upon the people of the tribe. This was an area on a high point of rock, or at a distance where the panorama of the whole village could be observed. These were called, BLESSING WAY POINTS. There were areas at the entrances to the village that were set aside as watching places for the protection of the people from hostile influences, which might otherwise approach unnoticed. There were also HEALING PLACES. Most of the places mentioned were not structures in the true sense of the word. They were more likely than not natural places, which were chosen for the specific function designated to them because of their natural appearance. Perhaps the Sun or the Moon shone upon that place in a particular manner. At other times, a place would be chosen because of its isolation or protective nature.

The HEALING PLACES were almost invariably chosen because of their shape and form, and the manner in which various forces of nature were focused there. Within every Healing Place there were three or four points of healing, where the natural rock formed a similar configuration as the four rocks that were described in the Practice of your last Lesson.

There was a difference however, in that the rocks in the HEALING PLACE were large and massive. Sometimes there were four rocks that formed an Energy Source at the point where the Powers met in the middle. At another place within the Healing Area, one might find three rocks with protrusions on them, forming a line of Power that created a triangle. Within the center of the Triangle of Power, was a NEUTRAL area in which no Power entered. The individual using this sort of configuration sat in the middle – in the NEUTRAL area. This was done so that the Power around them could draw all of the negative causing vibrations out of the body, pulling it from the center outward and drawing it into the Force that was moving about them. These particular areas were used for purging or purification. …"

From Lesson 2 of Kriya Yoga, Way of Sadhana
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Through Awareness and Gentleness is the Power of the Soul Achieved

… Let us now look closely at what this Principle means. We must first begin by understanding how we acquire Awareness and Knowledge. For it is only THROUGH AWARENESS, that any degree of Knowledge can be known. When we are born, we come into this world with the ordinary faculty of knowing. This includes a brain, which like a clean slate has never as yet had any written mark put upon it. We are also born with the POWER OF SIMPLE RECOGNITION. This simple recognition is the Instrument of Induction, which feeds into the brain all impressions from outside of our body. The very first things that enter the brain are not yet thoughts, but rather simple Awareness.

We have recently emerged from a place of darkness, and our first impression is light. We have spent nine months surrounded and protected in a world of liquids, and now for the first time we experience the pull of Earth’s gravity upon our little body. Our sense of touch and feeling is Awakened by the gentle hands upon us. We now experience warmth of a new kind, as we are first placed upon the mother’s breast. All of these initial experiences are simple Awareness. They are not thoughts based upon Knowledge, but enter into our brain through the FACULTIES OF KNOWING.

Very soon however, the process of building thoughts by association comes into play. We must remember that all knowledge is derived through experiences of signs, symbols and words. There must always be more than one of these, to give meaning to anything. Once we have heard two voices or two sounds, we begin to distinguish between the two and create our first simple ideas. We begin to recognize that softness and smoothness, means “mother”. When that which touches us is not so soft, but is more coarse and even smells slightly different, these sensations then become our first Awareness of “father”. As we begin to make simple associations, our brain in turn begins to function as a memory bank. It now begins to assist us in deciphering the differences between one experience and another.

Very soon after our introduction into life, we have progressed from our faculty of KNOWING, to the art of simple KNOWLEDGE. As time passes, we begin to decipher sounds into language and our eyes reveal to us the existence of objects beyond the reach of our tiny arms. We begin to establish an Awareness of time and space long before we learn to repeat what we have heard or touch what is out there beyond our reach. We are told by the brain that everything that there is to know, is outside of us and separate from us. Our brain has informed us wrongly.

Thus our first impressions of separateness from the Universe come into being. Even though our future impressions will lessen the power of the first impression of separateness, we nevertheless have great difficulty resolving that first experience into a greater experience. Even when we have grown old enough to speak and even after we have discovered that we have the power to touch things at great distances simply by walking to them, the half-truths which were fed to us by the brain are still never entirely resolved. Even when we take into our body, the water, food and air that we need to give us life and greater growth, the first impression of separateness is still present. The original damage has been done – and we spend years or even a lifetime breaking the bonds of those first half-truths, before we can set ourselves Free ...

From Lesson 6 of the Foundation Series
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